Chapter 20 - Brothers

Author's Note

J. Hamilton

End of Act 1. Obviously, Gyuwhan's statements might not have been the most accurate, but due to Jamal and Tarik's mental states at the time (being tortured and whatnot), as well as their own immaturity, they weren't really in any position to object to much of what he said to them regarding Hayami. Lies are most effective when they contain some amount of truth. GYUWHAN RYŪJIN AGE: 12 (DOB: December 25, 1999) HEIGHT: 5’2” BODY: Slim Build HAIR TYPE: Black, Long Ponytail PREFERRED CLOTHING: Dark; Long Robes, Ankle Height Pants, Waraji Sandals Gyuwhan is the son of Ivan Ryūjin’s old age, and also his successor as the Leader of the Dragon-Tails. He was always described by his father as being quite similar to Hellam Ryūjin, based on his characteristics. Gyuwhan is mostly laid back, and tries not to over- exert himself in anything, but he is a very capable, and very cold-hearted person. At nearly 13 years old, he is the most intelligent and most powerful individual out of the entire Dragon-Tails, and is enough to give even the High-Ranking Hunters a run for their money. JAMAL SANJURO AGE: 10 (DOB: February 11, 2002) HEIGHT: 5’1” BODY: Slightly Muscular HAIR TYPE: Black; Short, Low-Cut Sides PREFERRED CLOTHING: Bright; Sleeveless Tops, Knee Height Shorts TARIK YAMAGUCHI AGE: 10 (DOB: February 11, 2002) HEIGHT: 5’1” BODY: Slim Build HAIR TYPE: Blonde-White; Medium-Length, Straight PREFERRED CLOTHING: Bright; Long Sleeved Tops, Ankle Height Pants Act 2 begins in July of 2022. See you then. -J. Hamilton