Chapter 18 - The Day After

Author's Note


What's up? It's been kind of long since I last updated. Not really sure if somebody out there just placed down their pitchfork...but hope you guys are enjoying Christmas vacation! I really shouldn't be making excuses, but November has been rough along with December. My grandmother passed away and it's been tough. I don't want to say too much, because you guys aren't here for sob stories right? So there's also my On The Job Training. It's my last semester (I hope) in the university before I become... a not employed adult lol. But that means, about thirteen hours (13) in school and OJT, eight hours (8) sleep. That's roughly three hours (3) of free time, where I become a zombie and stare at my phone and wondering if this is what Adulthood means. I hope not. Anyway, bug me or something XP If I'm not writing stories, then I'm attempting blogging. See ya! Happy New Year!! (If I manage another update... I'll greet you guys again!)